两面: two sides; both sides; two a ...可用: available; usable的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...伪善: hypocritical口是心非: say yes and mean no; affirm ...两面派,口是心非的人。: double-dealer口是心非的: double-faced; double-minded; janus-faced口是心非的人: person who says one thing and means another deceiver口是心非的崇拜。: lip-worship口是心非的手段: no.a double game口是心非, 耍两面派: bear two faces under one hood; carry two faces under one hood两面可用的: double-faced口是心非: say yes and mean no; affirm with one's lips but deny in one's heart; be double-faced; consent outwardly but disagree inwardly; have two faces; outwardly agree but inwardly disagree; play a double game; carry fire in one hand and water in the other; say sth. with one's tongue in one's cheek; cry with eye and laugh with another; say one thing and mean another; the mouth specious and the mind perverse; though one speaks well, one's heart is false欺骗,口是心非: duplicity口是心非, 不诚恳: cry with one eye and laugh with the other口是心非之人: double-dealer有两副面孔的, 怀二心的, 口是心非的: janus-faced两面可用软片: reversible film伪善的: goody; hypercritical - ingenuous / honest; hypocritical; insincere; peck iffian; pecksniffian; pharisaical伪善的女人: the woman of the pharisees伪善的人: goody-goody伪善的言词: hypocritical words两面可能性: remote possibility拐弯抹角的,伪善的: mealymouthed狡滑的, 欺诈的, 伪善的: double dealing